Hits: 459
Website of the author of 'Paris Forfar' (Polygon) 'Un Tour d'Ecosse (Carcanet) and other titles.
Hits: 757
Scottish Book Trust key speaker, poet and author and general all round great gal.
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Poetry group based in Montrose.
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Behind the scenes at the Scottish Poetry Library.
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Claire Askew is a poet, editor and educator, brought up in the rural Scottish Borders.
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Updated Edinburgh poetry blog.
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The home of Scottish Pamphlet Poetry, pamphlet power, poet power.
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Sparkwheel are an exciting new group aiming to print, publish and promote exceptional volumes of contemporary poetry.
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The Poets’ Republic – in print, online, on stage and off-message – is a brand new poetry forum and magazine produced from a subversive outpost of north-east Scotland.