Hark Bohm in Lola
Dear Hark Bohm has had many a Fassbinder role over the years, and has a face and acting style suited to several types, one of which we see in evidence here: the corrupt local official. Bohm is the mayor who, when he is not hiding out in the brothel, is in cahoots with everybody, particularly the local land developer. In fact, in all of Lola, we never see Hark Bohm doing anything remotely honest. Instead, the life of the local official is portrayed as a fairly active whirl of successive and corrupt meetings, interspersed with prostitution.
Marquard Bohm in Beware of a Holy Whore
The opening scene of Beware of a Holy Whore is an ensemble piece shot in a hotel lobby, which cuts between groups of twos and threes to build up a picture of listlessness and impassivity. The characters are in fact all ludicrous and isolated, and generally petty; but my favourite is Marquard Bohm who is playing the part of the young actor being hit on by an older man, and is uncomfortable with it. For one so young he seems so bitter, and well he should be, as he plays the lover of the film’s director Jeff.